Saturday, July 05, 2014

A Birthday Baptism

Our sweet little Izzypop had a big day today.  Not only did she turn 8 today, she also was baptized today!  She did such an amazing job.  She sang "Come Unto Christ" and only had to be dunked once!

We are so proud of this young lady.  She is growing up to be such a wonderful person and I am lucky to be her mom.  I had a wonderful day with you, Iz!

In true fashion around here, we couldn't just have a simple baptism.  We had to go all out and party hard!  Of course, Grandma Orr made this party one to remember with the beautiful table decorations! We had great food and an even greater time with our friends and family. 

I wish I had gotten more pictures, but we will all remember this day forever!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's a World of Laughter

My favorite people joined me for some fun when I went to the IBM Rational Conference in Orlando, FL.  I have to say, it took the trip from fabulous to fantasmic!
I thought the kids would want to go straight to the Magic Kindom, but no.  They wanted to go to the pool.  Every night we left the parks early to get some pool time in.

Day 1: Epcot
It was a first for all of us.  The kids' favorite was the Test Track, followed by Living with the Land.  My favorite was Independence Hall.

Day 2: Magic Kingdom
Minnie sure was sweet.
We always hit Pirates first thing.  It's been the tradition since I can remember.

Hanging out outside the Hall of Presidents.

Lounging in Ariel's Grotto.

Probably the only picture of all of us together.

Day 3: Universal Islands of Adventure.   
Hogwarts: MY Happiest Place on Earth.

Skeeto's Happiest Place on Earth.
A brief moment of sibling love.
A brief moment of marital love.
Day 3 was a wipeout.  Skeeto passed out in front of his grilled cheese at dinner.

Our hotel.  I didn't know we brought Abizella with us???

Day 4: Hollywood Studios
This is our third Star Tours trip in 45 min.

My only souvenir.  Couldn't leave the galactic gift store without it.

Day 5: Back at Magic Kingdom
We also fought valiantly against Zurgg.

With only one POW.

Oh, yes.  Brian was "That guy"!!!

Crazy driver on the loose!

Tired, but happy little Disney freaks waiting for the shuttle back to the hotel.

Day 6: Half day at Universal Studios Florida
Had to get a picture at the diner of one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time.

The last pic we took before hopping on a plane and heading back to reality. 

What a whirlwind.  So glad we decided to do this.   Such a memorable trip!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

It Finally Happened

Not even a little bit scared.

Make sure they're even!!!

Deep breath, squeeze my hand!
"BEST DAY EVER" according to Izzypop.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Dying Easter eggs is even more fun now that Skeeto can really get into it.

That bunny knows his candy.

Easter Sunday primary!

Easter egg boobs.....You heard me.

Loving finding his own eggs this year.

A rare pick with all the kiddos and Poppa Yo-Yo.

P.S.  Happy birthday Aunt Callie!

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Iron Man & Merida

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  No contest.  We go all out.  It is a multi-day event.  This year was no exception.  It started pumpkin carving, of course.

And decorating the front windows of course.

My mom and I decided to be a little unconventional in our materials this year.  Dollar store plastic items became Iron Man armor.

 The first stop was my work party.

There were lots of games and candy.  Just what a Halloween party should be.

There may have been a few shinanigan too.

Next stop: Grandma Orr's work party.  Grandma went all out with makeup and a decorated office. 

Next was the parade at Izzypop's school.

Then a visit from Grandma and Poppa Bennion.

A quick stop by Grandma and Grandpa Orr's.

We had a great time at Aunt Joan's with Grandma Sherrie.  We trick-or-treated until Iron Man turfed it and busted his arc reactor.

And for the finale, the big party at Aunt Fig's house.  It was a super hero kind of thing.  Batgirl and Iron Man fought the forces of Evil valiantly.

 We had so much fun with our crazy family.

 Uncle Jay being a goofball.....again......still.

 You can't have a Hansen Halloween without a pinata.

It's a marathon, but it is my favorite.  Love this time of year!